
10 tips for preparing for the First Certificate

Discover 10 effective strategies to pass the First Certificate and ensure your success in the English exam with our specialist support


Preparing for the First Certificate requires work, study, perseverance and patience. If you want to have the official certificate that certifies your level of English, at English Summer S.A. we help you with our preparation classes, and we also share some tips that will help you pass the exam the first time if you are starting to study in a self-taught way. We want to help you pass and get your certificate!

H2- Preparing for the First Certificate | 10 tips that will help you

The First Certificate in English (FCE) is an exam that young learners and adults take to certify their level of English. If you need help, here are 10 tips to help you prepare for the First Certificate. 

1) Plan your study well in advance

If you want to pass, the first thing you need to do is create a study plan that includes deadlines and times to prepare for each part of the exam. Set clear goals and divide up each part as you see fit, so that you have time to prepare everything for the date and to revise for it. It is important that you take it slowly and patiently, so that you don't get overwhelmed.

2) Get to know the structure of the exam

The next thing you should do is familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions you will find in each section of the exam. This will give you an idea of what to expect and how well prepared you are. It is important that you have past papers to practice with so that you don't go in blind.

 3) Use whatever resources you have at hand

Nowadays there are many resources beyond English textbooks. If you want to pass and learn English much faster, we recommend that you get out of your comfort zone and listen to songs, watch films, listen to English podcasts, and take advantage of speaking time in your camp classes. All of these resources will help you improve your listening comprehension, vocabulary and overall English level.

4) Practice doing past papers

Practice makes perfect! If you are in the process of preparing for the First Certificate, one trick that works well is to do past papers. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the mechanics of the exam, as well as the style and difficulty of the questions. It sounds like a no-brainer, but it works!

It will also help you to better manage your time during the exam and identify areas where you need to improve. By taking exams from previous years, you'll get a better level and have a much better chance of passing. In the preparation classes, teachers will also go over the parts of the exam that are more difficult for you.

5) Sign up for our FCE preparation course

A course specifically designed for FCE preparation will give you the key to passing, with the knowledge and practice you need to go all out. It will also help you gain much more confidence and help you to spot your weaknesses (the parts you are weakest in and didn't realize you had). At English Summer we have a First Certificate preparation course.

6) Use worksheets to write down the things you struggle with the most

We are human. It's normal that there are things that are more difficult for us. What works very well, when preparing for the First Certificate, is to use index cards or post-it notes with concepts or vocabulary that you find more difficult to remember. This way you can always have at hand what you find most difficult and go over it in a moment.

7) Practice listening with long audios with different accents and difficulties

Listening is one of the parts of the First Certificate preparation. We recommend listening to different accents (British, American...) and difficulties to get used to different ways of speaking English. This way you will be more prepared.

 8) For the speaking part, prepare topics that may come up in the exam

For the speaking part, prepare different topics that may come up in the exam. Practice these topics out loud and repeat them over and over again to gain confidence and fluency. We recommend that you prepare several topics, the more the better! And in class, we spend a lot of time on this part of the exam to help you gain confidence.

9) Record your conversations or monologues in English to see how you do so you can identify areas for improvement

You may feel a bit embarrassed at first, but you need to do it. Think about how you can analyze your pronunciation and fluency to see where you need to improve.

10)  For writing, follow a 'model’

To master writing during your FCE preparation, try to familiarize yourself with different types of texts and master the introduction, development and closure, following a clear and structured form. 

You can practice writing different types of texts, such as emails, articles, letters, etc. Even if they are different topics, mastering a good base can give you a pass mark. As with the speaking part, we recommend that you write essays on all kinds of topics you can think of to gain confidence and fluency.

You can practice writing different types of texts, such as emails, articles and letters, etc. Even if they are different topics, mastering a good base can give you a pass mark. As with the speaking part, we recommend that you write essays on all sorts of topics you can think of to gain confidence and fluency.

H2- How much time do I need to prepare for the FCE?

There are intensive courses that allow you to prepare for the FCE in a matter of months. But the truth is that there is no fixed timetable for everyone, because it depends on many factors, such as your current level of English and how much time you can devote to it each day.

If you already have a good level of English, you may be able to prepare in 3 months with an intensive course. If you have a weak level, you may need a year of intensive classes. Every student is different and we insist on the fact that it depends on the level you have beforehand. At the camp we will help you prepare for the exam and give you the tools to pass, but you have to come home with the work done!

H2- Choose our First Certificate Preparation Courses

At English Summer you will find the best preparation course for the First Certificate. We do this through intensive English programmes during our summer camps, valid for boys and girls who want to pass the FCE and CAE. Although these tips can help you prepare for the First Certificate on your own, it is always better to do it with the help of a course that prepares you specifically to pass.

Are you ready to prepare for the First Certificate? Put yourself in the hands of our native teachers and completely transform your academic future. Get to speak English and have it certified with the official qualification - we'll help you!
