
How to build children's self-esteem

Some of the keys to keep building self-confidence

During the summer months, many families turn to Summer Camps to find a balance between work and family life, but camps are also a great support for children to work on their personal autonomy and self-esteem.  We’ll pinpoint some key recommendations that will help to carry on working on childrens’ wellbeing.

  • Praise their achievements: Acknowledging and praising children's achievements is an excellent way to increase their self-esteem. Do this with sincerity and focus on their efforts and abilities, not just on the final result. 

  • Encourage creativity: Encouraging children to express themselves through creativity, such as painting, music, writing or dance, helps them develop skills and gives them a sense of achievement and personal satisfaction. 

  • Encourage independence: Giving children the opportunity to make decisions and do things for themselves, however small, such as choosing their own clothes or making their own food, can boost their confidence and self-esteem. 

  • Help them set realistic goals: Teach children to set realistic and achievable goals, and then help them reach them. This gives them a sense of achievement and success. 

  • Sporting activities: Playing sports not only helps children stay healthy, but also allows them to learn new skills and work as part of a team, which can improve their self-esteem and self-confidence. 

  • Promote problem solving: Encouraging children to solve problems on their own and teaching them valuable life skills gives them a sense of control over their environment. 

  • Working on self-acceptance: Teaching them to accept themselves as they are, to recognise and value their strengths and weaknesses, and to understand that no one is perfect. 

Building self-esteem in children is an ongoing process and does not happen overnight. Through these activities and positive reinforcement, we can help them build a positive self-image and this will help them grow and develop with confidence. 
