Special actuation and prevention measures against COVID-19

We present you the action and prevention measures that will be developed in our centers this summer 2021 so that the camps are safer and more trustworthy.

These measures are subject to changes that health authorities may make over time.

Before starting a camp period, the entire facility will be disinfected with ozone by a certified company. Both rooms and common areas.
More frequent cleaning and sanitizing of rooms and common spaces, two or three times a day. The busiest spaces will be cleaned after and during each use.
Dispensers and personal hygiene
They will be located in all rooms and entrances to common areas such as dining rooms, halls, multipurpose rooms, classes, etc. Portable dispensers will also be available for sports fields and outdoor areas. A regular hand wash will be done at the beginning and end of each activity.
Indoor facilities will be ventilated 3 times a day for a minimum of 10 minutes per ventilation.
Secure facilities
Our facilities comply with all the regulations required by the authorities with regular controls and inspections in relation to fires, electricity, gas, analytics of drinking water and swimming pools, control of legionella and pests, etc. We have a self-control system (HACCP) with daily records of cooking, cleaning and maintenance.
Reduced rooms
All rooms at English Summer S.A are of reduced capacity with a maximum of 6 students per stay. All rooms have their own bathroom and individual wardrobes.
Dining room
The buffet and self-service areas are eliminated and dishes will be served individually. There will be no material that can be touched by more than one person: ketchup bottles, napkins ... The dining room tables will be cleaned and disinfected after each service and will have the corresponding separation and comply with the minimum distance between tables.
Food safety and auditing
We have a company that advises and ensures compliance with current health regulations in all processes, as well as in the correct management of allergies or food intolerances and is in charge of continuous training to guarantee quality and safety service.
Allowed capacity
The capacity of the classrooms will be reduced (maximum 5 students) multipurpose rooms and dining room to guarantee the safety distance between students.
Access Control
The facility will remain fully closed 24 hours a day. The accesses will be controlled and authorized by the reception staff and the temperature prior to entry will be taken. Two types of access will be enabled, one for external providers and the other for own staff, customer entry and exit. They will be differentiated with the corresponding signposting.
Due to security measures, participants with any symptoms compatible with COVID19 (fever, cough, respiratory distress, physical discomfort, diarrhea ...) or any other infectious symptoms will not be able to attend the camp. Nor may they have had any contact with any person with a confirmed positive in the previous 14 days. It is mandatory to be up to date with the vaccination schedule.
Medical Assistance
In the event of any discomfort of the child, a remote medical examination will be carried out through Your Online Pediatrician and parents will be previously notified to determine any action before going to a CAP (Primary Care Center) and depending on the medical diagnosis, will decide the continuity of your stay.
Room monitor
It will always be the same monitor that will interact 24h / day with their group of 10 students. In addition to the room monitor, the students will be accompanied by teachers and monitor assistants (MP).
The entire camp will be organized in two large groups defined by age. Within each group there are subgroups of 30 students who can interact without physical contact. There will be no optional activities complementary to the camp. The material used during the activities will be disinfected after each use.
Green areas
Our camps are in the middle of nature and in places officially called green areas with a low risk of contagious transmission.
Masks use
Masks are not necessary if safety distances are maintained. They will be used only in the case of using a transfer service or while assisting the student. We will have masks for everyone.
Personal Kit
At the entrance (check-in) of the student, a pendant with an identifier and a personal kit containing a personalized mask, a hydroalcoholic gel dispenser and the student's NFC bracelet will be delivered.
Antigens Test
At check-in, a certificate of a COVID-19 test with a negative result carried out in the last 48 hours must be presented. It can be antigen test or PCR. In case of not presenting it, the families must sign the authorization to take the test in the same center.