Summer Camps 2024

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Activities of our summer camps

English Summer S.A. organizes lots of activities in our summer camps.

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Sports games

Sport is a fundamental part of English Summer S.A's summer camps, as it helps to encourage participation, team spirit and coexistence among all the students. Summer is also a fantastic time for children and young people to run around and have fun outdoors.

  • Morning Exercises

Start the day with energy! Before breakfast, students play popular games outdoors for 15 minutes. This is the best way to start a day of a children's summer camp that will be unforgettable!

  • Olympic Games

You will belong to a great team! Every day the students practice multiple team sports supervised by monitors who explain the regulations and basic aspects. The Olympic Games start as it should be… with the Olympic opening! Subsequently, and during each day, the competition is held until, finally, the last day arrives, the most anticipated, the closing ceremony where all the students are awarded the individual medal and diplomas. Very important: to be the best it is essential to speak English with the monitors and colleagues during the Olympic Games!

  • World Championship

Show your worth! Students can also voluntarily participate in individual sports: tennis, paddle tennis (Tamarit), ping-pong, badminton, athletics, swimming and chess. The two best in each category (male and female) will receive a diploma.


Emotional Trip Campamentos Emotional Trip Campamentos

A set of activities that we carry out with our coexistence group that allow us to discover and express our emotions and everything we feel in a trusting environment. This emotional education allows us to grow in our daily lives as people and to realise the importance of communicating, believing in ourselves and seeing all the potential that we have and that we can have.

During the camp, we will fill our "suitcase of emotions" so that when we get home, we can relive all the magical sensations we have had and take what we have learned with us forever.

Proyecto sotenibilidad en campamentos Proyecto sotenibilidad en campamentos

"We need to change before our planet does".

With our eyes set on 2030, we have developed a sustainability project that we are not only applying to our company but we are also going to teach our students to develop the best version of themselves. The Be Froggy Be Green activities consist of 3 different blocks of sustainable activities that will be carried out in all our centres: Welcome to Our World, Positive Energy and What a Wonderful World. 

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Learn how to play

En los campamentos de verano también se organizan juegos en equipo donde los niños y los jóvenes aprenden valores como: motivación, esfuerzo colectivo, confianza, habilidad, cooperación, trabajo en equipo... Algunos ejemplos de juegos colaborativos pueden ser:

  •  Cooperation Race 

The pupils take part in a race around the house in which cooperation is vital for success. In the final result of the race, cooperation, the execution of the tests, the arrival at the finish line and, above all, enthusiasm in participation are valued.

  • Giant Games 

ig size chess and draughts, Twister for 50 people, giant Conecta-4, the Goose Game, giant Jenka, chopsticks, etc.

  • Team Building 

This activity, imported from the world of business and adapted to the world of children and young people, aims to highlight the values of cooperation and trust between students, inspiring and motivating children to work as a team to achieve great goals!

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One hour of each afternoon is devoted to Clubs, outdoor activities that complement English classes and sports activities.

  • Challenge Yourself:

Low ropes - Nightline - Problem solving. ¡Ponte a prueba con unas actividades que solo podrás superar con confianza y cooperación.

  • Get Creative:

Enviromental craft - Drum beats - Circus. Da rienda suelta a tu creatividad en talleres de manualidades, música, pintura, etc.

  • Go exploring Bushcraft

Orienteering - Nature walk. ¡Aprende a moverte entre la naturaleza!

  • Get Active Zorbing 

Games around the world - Chemistry experiments. Descubre otra manera de jugar y ¡diviértete como nunca!

  • Get thinking Team tech 

Magic tricks - Chemistry experiments. Trabaja y potencia tu mente con actividades de tecnología, magia y experimentos. )


Night Parties

Fun guaranteed! Parties are one of the activities that students remember most from our summer camps in Spain and the ones they have the most fun with. As well as contributing to the learning of English, the parties we organise encourage the students imagination and their participation: dancing, singing, acting, competing in games, etc.

Our team of monitors specialised in leisure activities prepare a full and fun programme of entertainment and parties suitable for the ages of all the pupils. All parties, as well as the entertainment programme, are fully themed and all the necessary resources are used for this purpose. Parties can be held during the day or at night, indoors or outdoors, with special menus, rainy day parties...for all tastes!
Some examples of theme parties are: The Froggy Awards, E.S. Got Talent, Rock & Roll Party, Mexican Party, Friends Night...