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Teenager Camp

Code 25C50
15 days, from 10 Aug to 24 Aug
Age: from 13 to 17 years
Code 25C50
15 days, from 10 Aug to 24 Aug
Age: from 13 to 17 years
Estate located in the heart of the Poblet forest. Holding summer camps since 1987.
Situation and setting

Situation and surroundings

The finca "La Capella" is one of our country houses in Catalonia and is located in l'Espluga del Francolí, La Conca del Barberà, in a place called "Les Masies", very close to the Monastery of Poblet. The language camp residence has large gardens and forests that border the beautiful natural park "La Pena". The recently renovated house also has many sporting and leisure facilities.

The Monastery of Poblet was founded in the twelfth century and is a constructionof great cultural and architectural interest, to such an extent that in 1991 was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco. Students enjoy English camps in a country house in Catalonia surrounded by nature, history and the culture of our region. 

The English Summer Poblet residence was formerly a large spa hotel that now has modern facilities that allow leisure and sports activities and all in a renovated building. It has large gardens and forests bordering the beautiful park "La Pena". 

The complex consists of three buildings. The main building houses the residence, the second is composed by classrooms, workshops, a library and several other rooms. The third building is used as an auditorium, with a capacity for 300 people, where meetings and parties can be held. In addition to these buildings, there are also several facilities for various sports such as football, volleyball or baseball. 

The facilities in "Les Masies" are used for swimming and tennis. 

Fully renovated house!

In order to improve the experience of our guests and make them feel as comfortable as possible, a full renovation of the facilities has been carried out. In the English Summer house in Poblet the ground floor has been renovated including the main entrance, the hall, the toilets, the dining room and the self-service area. All rooms have also been renovated, they have now bathrooms included, air conditioning, TV and doors with NFC technology that open with smart bracelets. 

The house in images
Location and how to arrive
Carretera de les Masies, S/N, 43440 L'Espluga de Francolí, Tarragona
41° 23.583 N 1° 5.824 E See map
Sports facilities and main features.

Our students will not only learn English during their stay with us, but also be able to relax and continue with their daily lives. You can check these facilities and their main characteristics below: 

  • Boys rooms (62 places)
  • Girls rooms (100 places)
  • Self-service dining room
  • Kitchen
  • Living room
  • 20 classrooms
  • Workshops
  • Nursing
  • Meeting rooms for teachers
  • Auditorium for 300 people
  • Chapel from the beginning of the 20th century
Sports facilities

In addition to the facilities and spaces, our colonial house in Poblet, Catalonia, also has several sporting facilities. At English Summer Poblet many sporting activities can be undertaken in the following areas:

  • Football pitch
  • Volleyball court
  • Baseball field
  • Badminton courts
  • Table tenis
  • Basketball court
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Age: from 13 to 17 years
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Age: from 13 to 17 years